Time Out recommends Hypnotherapy with Abeer Ayash For Dealing with Stress

21 June 2011 News
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What’s it about?

Hypnosis comes from the Greek word ‘hypnos’, meaning sleep, and hypnotherapists aim to bring about a deep state of relaxation to tap into the subconscious and reprogramme negative and learned reactions to certain trigger situations. They will go back to the first memory that created a negative reaction (your mum criticising your body while you ate something, for example, which may associate negative feeling with food), then disassociate this from your reaction and replace new, healthier thoughts.

Who is it for?

Hypnotherapy is a particularly good for those trying to quit addictions (from smoking to food) or those who have anxieties or phobias about something in particular – flying, for example. Note that believing in the process is very important: if you’re a cynic, you may struggle to relax into it.

Time Out recommends:

We’ve had good experiences with Abeer Ayash at The Third Eye on Sheikh Zayed Road. A session costs Dhs400. (055 552 9213)

By Nyree McFarlane
Time Out Dubai, 14 June 2011
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Last modified on 14 April 2015
Abeer Ayash

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