Abeer Ayash
For more information on the workshops and events, or if you have any question, please email me on
Theta Shamanic Workshop
02 October 2011
Workshop: Saturday, 29 October, 3:00 to 6:00 pm
Location: The Third Eye, Saeid Tower 2, Appartment 1101
‘Discover your power animal through a Shamanic journey from the 7th plane of existence’.Would you like to awaken the sacred dream of life, to find your own vision, heal the past, and fulfill your potential?
Would you like to be in life with an open heart, to live in balance with yourself, with others and with all of creation as One part of the great Web Of Life!
With the introduction of this brand new workshop at the The Third Eye, come and experience the Shamanic journey with Abeer Ayash and Ashi Master Theta healers (THINK) USA, who will guide you through this amazing journey with the support of the purest energy of all that it is as it was taught to them by Vianna and Guy Stibal. This workshop will teach you how to connect with the purest energy of the 7th plane of existence through a mediation that will make your Shamanic journey safe and easy to experience.
In this workshop you will learn about the planes of existence and the shamanic state of consciousness through a theta brain wave through which you will meet your power animal, and travel into the shamanic spirit realms where your Spirit allies and guides reside. You will be part of a circle, learning from others’ experiences and questions. It is ideal for those who are new to the concepts of directly connecting with spirit, and it brings insight, clarity and empowerment to those who are familiar with meditative and telepathic worlds.
One aspect that distinguishes Shamanic healing from many of the other methods of spiritual healing is the partnership between the practitioner and the compassionate helping spirits. One way a shaman accesses the spirit world is through taking a journey, also known as soul flight, to engage their helping spirits for healing, information or problem solving. With the aid of a drum beat brainwave activity slows down inducing a "shamanic state of consciousness" where we have access to non-ordinary reality, the spirit realm. You don't have to be a healer or be called to become a shamanic practitioner to learn how to journey. It's a self-empowering skill that can be learned by anyone and enjoyed for personal healing and enrichment.
During the workshop, participants will learn what Shamans have known for centuries, that of entering a sacred place where Great Spirit talks to our Soul. With the help of the drumming technique you will enter into this spiritual world through inducing the Theta brain waves and connecting with the purest energy of all that it is. Through connection to the energy of creator of all that is, you will then be taken into the Shamanic journey in a safe and protected way to connect with your individual Power Animal and Spirit Guides. Each student will learn to communicate with their guides, to obtain answers to questions of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual dimensions which will give them wholeness and a greater sense well-being.
Some of the benefits of the workshop include:
- Learn to connect to the energy of all that is Learn how to enter non-ordinary reality and become comfortable with your Power Animal and seek Power Animal’s advice for your own questions.
- Receive personal healing from your Power Animals and advice from spirits to help you grow quickly on your path.
- Gain the ability to access your personal healing spirits for advice, personal empowerment and protection.
- Solve Problems and gather information Aquire a richer life and self realization
- Receive guidance to reach your goals by knowing your highest potential
Each participant will be using their power animals and spirit guides to obtain direction and answers for profound healings. So join us in obtaining the tools used by all Indigenous people to heal not only ourselves, but also the consciousness of our world with love by attaining balance with the Earth and all of creation.
Energy Exchange: Dhs. 400
Come and have a Shamanic experince through the creator of all that is.
For more info, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or call 00971 50 455 7148
Time Out recommends Hypnotherapy with Abeer Ayash For Dealing with Stress
21 June 2011
What’s it about?
Hypnosis comes from the Greek word ‘hypnos’, meaning sleep, and hypnotherapists aim to bring about a deep state of relaxation to tap into the subconscious and reprogramme negative and learned reactions to certain trigger situations. They will go back to the first memory that created a negative reaction (your mum criticising your body while you ate something, for example, which may associate negative feeling with food), then disassociate this from your reaction and replace new, healthier thoughts.Who is it for?
Hypnotherapy is a particularly good for those trying to quit addictions (from smoking to food) or those who have anxieties or phobias about something in particular – flying, for example. Note that believing in the process is very important: if you’re a cynic, you may struggle to relax into it.Time Out recommends:
We’ve had good experiences with Abeer Ayash at The Third Eye on Sheikh Zayed Road. A session costs Dhs400. (055 552 9213)By Nyree McFarlane
Time Out Dubai, 14 June 2011
(read full article)
ThetaHealing® Intuitive Anatomy Instructor course
20 June 2011
ThetaHealing® Rainbow Children Practitioner and Instructor course
This summer is full of travels and wanders, self development and evolvement as I will be travelling to Idaho Falls in USA to meet my ThetaHealling Teacher Vianna Stibal and study with her the instructor course of Intuitive Anatomy and Rainbow Children from the 11th of July to the 5th of August.Both courses are deep and empowering, and I expect a long trip of retrospection and awakening to happen.
Having taken these courses, I would be closer to become a Master in ThetaHealing, with one course only remaining for me to study. The journey is just beginning and the path is enjoyable and experiences are magnificent.
I am grateful to all those how have come across my path and taught me how to love unconditionally, myself first. With every healing, I am clearing, mending and healing the broken pieces of my dispersed being, and uniting with my soul family.
To all who have taken sessions with me, trough ThetaHealing, Hypnosis or art, I would like to hear your feedback and stories of transformation, so please feel free to email me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ostraka International Festival Arts
14 June 2011
April/May Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
I have recently attended the Ostraka International Festival Arts from –29 April to 6 May Sharm El Sheikh – that was organized by artist and curator Mohammad Hemedah under the theme of Peace.The experience was enriching and involving. I had the honor of meeting some of the best artists in the region from KSA, Yemen, Syria, and Egypt of course, and specially enchanted to meet Kim, a talented artist/sculpturer from Korea
Honorary guest of the event was Farouq Wahba, whose presence not only enlightened the artists with his wisdom and guidance, yet also gave a valuable lecture summing up his life experiences, and his views, and intimate thoughts on art and artistic creation and movement.

The symposium was in the enchanting Sharm El Sheik, on the cost of the magnificent azure of the red sea. The symposium was closed by an art exhibition inaugurated by Sharm el Sheikh civil bodies and representatives, where prizes and letters of appreciation were given to the artists.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
01 June 2013
I would like to introduce to you the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique of which I had the privilege to train with Dolores Cannon and become a certified practitioner in May 2013.
This intense energy of the ‘Subconscious’ is channeled through the subject and hence the QHHT sessions are unlike any other hypnotherapy or regressional session. The session takes from 4 to 5 hours and sometimes more. Many clients witnessed instant healings during these sessions due to the intense and deep awareness that is reached.
If you wish to book your session, please contact me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +971 50 4557148
What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
Dolores Cannon is a hypnotherapist who has studied and practiced various hypnosis methods over 45 years and thus developed her own technique, which enabled her to gain the most efficient release of information from her clients. She is now teaching her unique technique of hypnosis known as the 'Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique' throughout the world. This technique enables the subject to access a somnambulistic state of trance, through visualization, which is a very deep state of relaxation where the brain is on a Theta level. A state which under ordinary circumstances is experienced only twice daily: the moment just before you become consciously awake and the moment just before you drift off and fall asleep.How does it work?
This technique enables the subject to access the subconscious through which past lives are accessed and instantaneous healings are performed when appropriate. The ‘Subconscious’ is a suitable label given the context of Dolores' work; however, religions and spiritual teachers alike have attempted to identify and label this larger part of ourselves throughout history using a variety of different labels: the Higher Self, the Oversoul, Christ Consciousness, Higher Consciousness, the Universal Mind and Oneness. The Subconscious has stated to Dolores that it does not care what we call it, it simply Is! and is willing to work with those with a pure heart and true intent.This intense energy of the ‘Subconscious’ is channeled through the subject and hence the QHHT sessions are unlike any other hypnotherapy or regressional session. The session takes from 4 to 5 hours and sometimes more. Many clients witnessed instant healings during these sessions due to the intense and deep awareness that is reached.
If you wish to book your session, please contact me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +971 50 4557148
Release Transform
02 February 2015
Your Holistic Approach to a Healthy Mind & Body
How many times have you wanted to release your excess weight and have found yourself struggling with a depriving diet and tiring exercises that are not taking you anywhere?The fact is that your BODY is not a separate entity from your MIND. Moreover, your subconscious mind - which runs your body - is 6000 times more powerful than your conscious mind, and if there is an unconscious belief or program that is benefiting from your weight gain, chances are you will never release weight no matter what you do.

Release Weight While You Sleep
In the hypnotherapy sessions with Abeer, you will explore your unconscious mind to find out what are the hidden programs that are blocking your body from releasing the weight. You will also release all those stressful emotions like anger, rejection, and fear that are literally weighing you down and holding you back from achieving your fullest potential.
To benefit from a discounted Release & Transform Package, please contact me on +971 50 4557148 or on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.I Am Walking On Fire
21 November 2012
November 21st, 2012
Walking on fire, a sacred practice known in the records since 1200BC is definitely one of the most empowering experiences that a person can live.

Fire, an element of nature, referenced to the sun, the center of the galaxy, is an element of power, transformation and evolution to a higher awareness.

I decided to walk on fire not because I wanted to see if I can do it. I decided to do it because I know I can. So if I can walk on a sandy the beach, in the park, in nature, why not on fire?! It is just another act of walking within one of nature’s elements.

Everything is energy, and yes, fire is an energy element. My body is energy, and releases energy. Once I realized that I am one with the element of fire, it b
ecame me, and I became it. It became a soothing, loving, warming and healing agent.

It is the mind that creates the labels, the judgments, and associates the fears and blocks to whatever it wants to block or resist. When my mind decided that I am going to walk on burning coal that is 926 degrees centigrade as simply as walking on green grass, my body did that exactly, and no, no burns, no marks, not even redness on my feet.
And I ask myself, what have I held in my mind as impossible? And do I still want to do that? As I think again, it is just energy, and I know by now how to make the elements of energy work for me.
What is next…? The sky is the limit,,,
A Sky Fly
Learn how to access the power of the mind with Carol Talbot in Matrix NLP
Walking on fire, a sacred practice known in the records since 1200BC is definitely one of the most empowering experiences that a person can live.

Fire, an element of nature, referenced to the sun, the center of the galaxy, is an element of power, transformation and evolution to a higher awareness.

I decided to walk on fire not because I wanted to see if I can do it. I decided to do it because I know I can. So if I can walk on a sandy the beach, in the park, in nature, why not on fire?! It is just another act of walking within one of nature’s elements.

Everything is energy, and yes, fire is an energy element. My body is energy, and releases energy. Once I realized that I am one with the element of fire, it b
ecame me, and I became it. It became a soothing, loving, warming and healing agent.

It is the mind that creates the labels, the judgments, and associates the fears and blocks to whatever it wants to block or resist. When my mind decided that I am going to walk on burning coal that is 926 degrees centigrade as simply as walking on green grass, my body did that exactly, and no, no burns, no marks, not even redness on my feet.
And I ask myself, what have I held in my mind as impossible? And do I still want to do that? As I think again, it is just energy, and I know by now how to make the elements of energy work for me.
What is next…? The sky is the limit,,,
A Sky Fly
Learn how to access the power of the mind with Carol Talbot in Matrix NLP